Monday 13 October 2008

Finally there is something to show for a lot of work

It probably looks deeply unimpressive at the moment, but the Independent Shop Guide main website is now being worked on. (The independent guide to the UK's indepenendent shops )

For the tecnhnically minded, I tried to set it up using Joomla. I am still sure that this is the best software to use, but I just haven't been able to get to grips with it with enough confidence to launch it seriously. So I am going to get started using Wordpress, with which I am lot more familiar.

I know that Wordpress won't cope if the guide becomes as big as I want it to, so I am setting myself up for a big transfer job at some point in the future which no doubt will be very troublesome. But I felt that I just had to get the Independent Shop Guide going otherwise the whole project would just become a mass of frustration.

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