Sunday 29 June 2008


Tesco stores account for £1 of every £7 spent in the UK. This statistic really does take the breath away when you think about it. But the supermarket is getting a lot of bad press lately. If you were the chairman of Tesco pocketing over £5M as a salary you can probably live with a bit of stick from commentators. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's campaign on chickens is hardly going to dent them very much. I have just heard that even Barak Obama has been criticising them. But again, I doubt that many shoppers will put them off. My local store is well laid out, has very good prices and ample parking. The opening hours couldn't be more convenient - they are literally open all hours. But I don't shop there very often. There is something about Tesco I just don't like. I can't put my finger on it. I am not aware that they are really any worse than any other retailer. Deep down for some reason I just don't trust them. I don't know why not. It goes back to before they were the biggest supermarket so it isn't just dislike of the top dog. And it predates my interest in independent shopping. I wonder if all the publicity will seep into the consciousness of more people and eventually begin to limit their growth? Nothing lasts forever and although Tesco are going to be around for a while yet they will be replaced one day. What will it be? The internet maybe? Transport costs? I can't help thinking that the most likely thing that will cheque their growth will be a feeling that you just can't trust them.

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